ArticlesSoldiers have written home to comfort and console their loved ones since Plutarch wrote to Timoxena during the wars...
On the NightstandWar, (2010) by Mr. Sebastian Junger, (http://www.sebastianjunger.com/) is a well-written and provocative book, the product of Mr. Junger’s having...
CONTINUE READING →Truman and MacArthur, Adversaries for a Common Cause
On the NightstandTruman and MacArthur, Adversaries for a Common Cause, by Mr. Donald J. Farinacci, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scrivener-Literary-Productions-Books-by-Donald-J-Farinacci/346933663716 is an elegant political biography...
CONTINUE READING →New Dawn: The Battles for Fallujah (2010)
On the NightstandNew Dawn: The Battles for Fallujah (2010), by Mr. Richard Lowry, (http://richardslowry.com/) painstakingly details the 2004 battles that ravaged...
CONTINUE READING →D-Day, 2010: How Good It Is To Have Been Born On Third Base
ArticlesThis is a hard photograph to look at, but please do. It’s about us. One of the most blistering...
CONTINUE READING →A three day weekend
ArticlesIn Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the...