Set in the spring of 1944, “Virginia’s War” chronicles six months in the life of a small Texas town as its inhabitants struggle with everyday existence in the backdrop of WWII.Although war is raging a world away for Captain Will Hastings, life back home in Tierra, Texas goes on pretty much as usual with the exception of food rationings and other hardships brought on by the war. Unbeknownst to Captain Hastings, the entire community is under the impression that he and hometown beauty, Miss Virginia Sullivan, have recently tied the knot–a deception perpetrated by the father of the shockingly unwed and pregnant, Virginia.
“Virginia’s War is beautifully written and centers around the scandals, cover-ups, and politics of life in a small town where everybody knows everybody–or so they think.
The front cover of “Virginia’s War” has a lovely, nostalgic feel to it complete with an image of a winsome Virginia clasping handwritten letters from her soldier. I enjoyed having the visual of the heroine in my mind as I read her story.
The author offers a unique perspective of Virginia’s “adult” dilemma as viewed through the eyes of an endearing adolescent boy named Sandy Clayton. Mr. London captures the boy’s infectious personality and unique viewpoint perfectly, giving the reader multiple chances to chuckle and reminisce about the innocence of childhood.
Author, Jack London, sets a marvelous stage with which to draw the reader into his story, beginning with a taste of scandal in the prologue that divulges just enough conflict to whet the reader’s appetite for more. He closes with an ending that leaves the reader satisfied but curious as to how the saga will unfold in the subsequent two volumes.
“Virginia’s War” is extremely well written, authentic to the time period, and very entertaining.